
Key Stage 5
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Year One Half Term One
- Methods
- Policy and social class (external factors)
Year Two Half Term One
- Beliefs – Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism, Conservative force Vs Force for Change
- Crime and deviance – theories (functionalism)
Year One Half Term Three
- Families – Theories of the Family (Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism)
- Ethnicity
Year Two Half Term Three
- Beliefs – Groups and Beliefs, Ideology and Science
- Social class and gender factors in crime and deviance
Year One Half Term Five
- Revision
- Educational theories (functionalism, Marxism etc.)
Year Two Half Term Five
- Exam preparation and revision
Year One Half Term Two
- Families – definitions, changes over the last 100 years
- Social class (internal factors) and ethnicity
Year Two Half Term Two
- Beliefs – Secularisation? Global, Typification
- Theories (Marxism, neo Marxism, labelling, left realism, right realism, postmodernism)
Year One Half Term Four
- Families – Childhood, divorce, parenting, demography, policy
- Gender
Year Two Half Term Four
- Theory & Methods – All
- Ethnicity factors in crime and deviance, globalisation and media
Year One Half Term Six
- Beliefs (introduction and basic knowledge of Beliefs including definitions)
- Methods in context