
Key Stage 3
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Half Term One
Big idea - Chemical changes
- Hazards and acids
Big idea - Cells and cellular processes
- Inheritance
Big idea - Matter and materials
- Waves
- The Earth and Space
Big ideas - Materials and their properties and Chemical changes
- Start of Atoms and Elements topic
Half Term Three
Big ideas - Cells and cellular processes and Biological systems for life
- Cells and enzymes topic
Half Term Five
Big ideas – Energy Forces and fields
- Forces and energy topic
Big idea - Our Earth and its atmosphere
- Climate change
Half Term Two
Big ideas - Materials and their properties and Chemical changes
- Atoms and elements topic
+ Christmas Challenge
Half Term Four
Big ideas - Cells and cellular processes and Biological systems for life
- Cells and enzymes topic
+ British Science Week activities
Half Term Six
Big ideas – Energy Forces and fields
- Forces and energy topic
+ Summer Challenge
Key Stage 4
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Biology Year One Half Term One
Big idea - Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Ecosystems (not cycles), natural selection, evolution and selective breeding
Biology Year Two Half Term One
Big Idea - Cells and cellular processes
- Plants
Chemistry Year One Half Term One
Big idea - Materials and their properties
- Review of atomic structure, ionic and covalent bonding and introduction to ionic and covalent substances
Chemistry Year Two Half Term One
Big idea - Chemical changes
- Rates
Physics Year One Half Term One
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Electricity
Physics Year Two Half Term One
Big idea -Matter and materials
- Review of particle model
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Electricity
Biology Year One Half Term Three
Big idea - Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Genetics (not meiosis) and genetic modification
- Health (Non-communicable diseases)
Big idea - Biological systems for life
- Health
Biology Year Two Half Term Three
Big ideas - Biological systems for life
- Coordination and control
Chemistry Year One Half Term Three
Big idea - Materials and their properties
- Types of substance, properties of metals and models
Big idea - Chemical changes
- Electrolysis
Chemistry Year Two Half Term Three
Big idea - Materials and their properties
- Review of bonding and structure
Physics Year One Half Term Three
Big idea - Energy
- Waves
- EM waves and magnetism
Physics Year Two Half Term Three
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Magnetism and electromagnetism
Biology Year One Half Term Five
Big idea - Organisms and their interactions with the environment, Biological systems for life
- Health
Big idea - Cells and cellular processes
- Meiosis and cells and control (not nervous system)
Biology Year Two Half Term Five
Chemistry Year One Half Term Five
Big idea - Chemical changes
- Electrolysis
Big idea - Chemical changes, our Earth and its atmosphere
- Fuels
Chemistry Year Two Half Term Five
Physics Year One Half Term Five
Big idea - Energy
- EM waves and magnetism
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Newton’s Laws, forces and their effects and Hook’s Law
Physics Year Two Half Term Five
Biology Year One Half Term Two
Big idea - Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Ecosystems (not cycles), natural selection, evolution and selective breeding
- Genetics (not meiosis) and genetic modification
Biology Year Two Half Term Two
Big Ideas - Cells and cellular processes, Biological systems for life
- Exchange and transport
Chemistry Year One Half Term Two
Big idea - Materials and their properties
- Review of atomic structure, ionic and covalent bonding and introduction to ionic and covalent substances
- Types of substance, properties of metals and models
Chemistry Year Two Half Term Two
Big idea - Chemical changes
- Rates and equilibria
Big idea - Materials and their properties
- Calculations
Physics Year One Half Term Two
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Electricity
Big idea - Energy
- Waves
Physics Year Two Half Term Two
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Electricity
Biology Year One Half Term Four
Big idea - Organisms and their interactions with the environment, Biological systems for life
- Health
Biology Year Two Half Term Four
Big ideas - Biological systems for life, Organisms and their interactions with the environment
Coordination and control
- Ecosystems
Chemistry Year One Half Term Four
Big idea - Chemical changes
- Electrolysis
Chemistry Year Two Half Term Four
Big idea - Materials and their properties
- Review of bonding and structure
Big ideas - Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Ecosystems
Physics Year One Half Term Four
Big idea - Energy
- EM waves and magnetism
Physics Year Two Half Term Four
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Magnetism and electromagnetism
Big ideas - Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Ecosystems
Biology Year One Half Term Six
Big idea - Cells and cellular processes
- Meiosis and cells and control (not nervous system)
Chemistry Year One Half Term Six
Big idea - Chemical changes, our Earth and its atmosphere
- Fuels
Physics Year One Half Term Six
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Newton’s Laws, forces and their effects and Hook’s Law
Key Stage 5
Term One
Biology Year One Half Term One
Big Idea - Cells and cellular processes
- Biological molecules
Biology Year Two Half Term One
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Photosynthesis
Big Ideas - Biological systems for life and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Inheritance
Physics Year One Half Term One
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Practical Science Skills
- Mechanics
Physics Year Two Half Term One
Big idea - Energy
- Thermodynamics
Biology Year One Half Term Two
Big Idea - Cells and cellular processes
- Cells
Biology Year Two Half Term Two
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Respiration
- Energy in ecosystems
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Populations
- Speciation
Physics Year One Half Term Two
Big idea -Matter and materials
- Particles
- Quantum
Physics Year Two Half Term Two
Big idea - Matter and materials
- Nuclear
Term Two
Biology Year One Half Term Three
Big Ideas - Cells and cellular processes and Biological systems for life
- Cell recognition and the immune system
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
Biology Year Two Half Term Three
Big Ideas - Biological systems for life and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Nutrient cycles
- Response to stimuli
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Control of gene expression
Physics Year One Half Term Three
Big idea -Energy
- Waves
Physics Year Two Half Term Three
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Gravitational and Electric Fields
Biology Year One Half Term Four
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
Biology Year Two Half Term Four
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Nervous coordination
- Muscles
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Control of gene expression
Physics Year One Half Term Four
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Electricity
Physics Year Two Half Term Four
Big idea - Forces and fields
- Capacitors and Magnetic Fields and Optional Module – Astrophysics.
Term Three
Biology Year One Half Term Five
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
Biology Year Two Half Term Five
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Homeostasis
- Revision/Exams
Physics Year One Half Term Five
Big idea -Matter and materials
- Materials
Physics Year Two Half Term Five
- Revision
Biology Year One Half Term Six
Big Idea - Biological systems for life
- Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Big ideas – Cells and cellular processes and Organisms and their interactions with the environment
- Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
- Populations in ecosystems
Physics Year One Half Term Six
Big idea – Forces and fields
- Further Mechanics