Media Studies

Key Stage 4
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Year One Half Term One
- Introduction to Media Language, relevant terminology and theory
- Introduction to Representation, relevant terminology and theory
Year Two Half Term One
- Introduction to Media Industries through Warner Bros case study
- Review of set advertising products (The Lego Movie)
- Exploration of video games in general and of The Lego Movie video games in relation to media industries, audience, and media language (intertextuality)
- Review analysis of Cuffs and explore television industries, especially regulation
Year One Half Term Three
- Analysis of set crime drama (Cuffs) in terms of media language, representation and audience
- Analysis of set advertising (The Lego Movie) in terms of language and representation
- Analysis of the set online and participatory products (The Observer website and social media) in terms of media language and audience
Year Two Half Term Three
- Analyse media language and representations in the set music videos and music magazines in terms of social/cultural contexts, audience, fandom, and identity
- Investigate media industries and audience for The Observer (print), and representation and media language in historical front pages compared with contemporary front pages
Year One Half Term Five
- Final production of a magazine: research, statement of intent, planning phase
- May move to production stage early if all pre-production is completed to a high standard.
Year Two Half Term Five
- Revision and exam practice to include: denotation and connotation; uses and gratifications; textual analysis of set products; representation including feminist theory; media industries terminology; active and passive audiences; contexts.
Year One Half Term Two
- Introduction to Audience, relevant terminology and theory
- Introduction to music videos and study of the set music videos
- Introduction to music magazines and study of the set magazine
Year Two Half Term Two
- Analysis The Avengers in relation to representation, contexts, media language, genre and narrative, compare and contrast The Avengers and Cuffs
- Explore radio in terms of media industries, audience, and contexts. Analyse The Radio 1 Live Lounge
Year One Half Term Four
- Preliminary production of a magazine: research, planning, production and evaluation stages
Year Two Half Term Four
- Compare contemporary and historical editions of print newspapers in terms of contexts. Analyse media language, representation and audience for the online edition of The Observer, and compare with social media feeds
- Revision and preparation for trial exams
Year One Half Term Six
- Final production: production phase
*Trial exams and work experience also this half-term
Key Stage 5
Term One
Term Two
Term Three
Year One Half Term One
- Unit 1 – Media Products and Audiences
Year Two Half Term One
- Unit 2 – Pre-Production and Planning
- Unit 21 and 3 - Pitching and Production
Year One Half Term Three
- Unit 2 – Pre-Production and Planning
- Unit 20 – Advertising Media
Year Two Half Term Three
- Unit 20 – Advertising Media
- Unit 22 – Scripting for Media Products
Year One Half Term Five
- Unit 2 – Pre-Production and Planning
Year Two Half Term Five
- Unit 20 – Advertising Media
Year One Half Term Two
- Unit 1 – Media Products and Audiences
Year Two Half Term Two
- Unit 20 – Advertising Media
- Unit 22 – Scripting for Media Products
Year One Half Term Four
- Unit 2 – Pre-Production and Planning
- Unit 20 – Advertising Media
Year Two Half Term Four
- Unit 2 – Pre-Production and Planning
- Unit 20 – Advertising Media
Year One Half Term Six
- Unit 21 – Plan and Deliver a Pitch
- Unit 22 – Scripting for Media Products