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Key Stage 3

Term One

Term Two

Term Three

Half Term One
Introduction to Hospitality and Health Studies
- Practical work- fruit kebabs, bread dough
- Healthy eating- Eatwell guide and nutrients

Half Term Three
Health and Wellbeing linked to lifestyle and diets
- Practical work- healthier options/fakeaways
- The consequences of an unbalanced diet.
- Excesses and deficiencies of key nutrients.

Half Term Five
Afternoon tea project
- Practical work- pastry making methods and cake making methods
- Students will complete a mine coursework style project, following a design brief.

Half Term Two
Bread project continued
- Practical work- bread shaping, pizza sauce and pizza
- Making healthy and informed choices: Cooking methods, food choice and dietary needs

Half Term Four
Health and Wellbeing linked to lifestyle and diets
- Practical work- healthier options/fakeaways
- Excesses and deficiencies of key nutrients.

Half Term Six
Afternoon tea project
- Practical work- pastry making methods and cake making methods
- Students will complete a mine coursework style project, following a design brief.

Key Stage 4

Term One

Term Two

Term Three

Year One Half Term One
- Introduction to Hospitality and Catering
- Theory- Unit 1 Topic 1.4.1 -Food Induced ill health. Topic 1.3.2- HACCP
- Unit 2: 2.1.1 Understanding the importance of Nutrition
- Practical work 2.3.1- revisit knife skills/hob work/bread dough

Year Two Half Term One
- Theory- Unit 2 Nutritional Health
- Practical work- further development of high level skills.
- Dovetailing including special points and contingencies.

Year One Half Term Three
- Meal planning and planning for production
- Unit 2- Factors to consider.
- Practical work 2.3.1, 2.3.3 - continue to build preparation and cooking skills and learnt through practice.

Year Two Half Term Three
- Content- factors continued: Customer Needs AC 2.3

Year One Half Term Five
- Review and development of menu planning.
- Reviewing own performance. 2.4.2. Highlighting areas of success and of potential further development.
- Practical work 2.3.1 - continue to build preparation and cooking skills and learnt through practice.

Year Two Half Term Five
- Revision for any students resitting the Unit 1 exam.

Year One Half Term Two
- Continue with Nutrition. Special dietary needs.
- Return to Unit 1 Topic 1.4- Introduce allergens and intolerances and food labelling.
- Cross contamination.
- Practical work- 2.3.1, 2.3.3 development of medium to high level skills

Year Two Half Term Two
- Continue with Nutrition.
- Factors to consider when proposing dishes for menus. Unit 2 AC 2.1
- Environmental Factors AC 2.2
- Practical work- Unit 2- 3.1-3.3 development of medium to high level skills.

Year One Half Term Four
- Hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements
- How hospitality provisions adapt to ever-changing customer requirements
- Practical work 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3 -
- Presentation techniques and higher skill level dishes

Year Two Half Term Four
- Controlled assessment task; Flop Flops brief (Submission- May)

Year One Half Term Six
- Health and safety in hospitality and catering provision
- Unit 1: 1.3.1 Introduction to legislation and responsibilities for personal safety.
- Use of accident forms and documentation.
- Practical work 2.3.1 - continue to build preparation and cooking skills and learnt through practice.





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© 2023 Monkseaton High School, Seatonville Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 9EQ

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