16 - 19 Tuition Fund​
What is the 16-19 tuition fund?
The 16-19 tuition fund is one off funding for the 2020/21 academic year that is ring fenced to support students and mitigate disruption to learning arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding should be used to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English, maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted. Although targeted students are identified based on their prior attainment in English and Maths (grade 4 in at least one), the funding can be used to support students in their learning across a variety of subjects.
How are we using the 16-19 Tuition fund:
We have received £1802 to support students our Sixth Form who achieved a grade 4 in English and / or Maths.
Between November and May these students are in a programme of monitoring, support and intervention. The vast majority sessions will be for the development of maths and English skills; however, the development of study programme and/or personal development skills may also form part of the programme dependent on the need of the individual. The programme is therefore dependent on the context of the student, but may include:
Individual mentoring,
additional catch up sessions,
support for students that are in the most need because of either their context or because of the impact of COVID Lockdown / self isolation on their learning.
The Sixth Form team will work with departments and staff regarding the desired outcomes for students. Sixth form leaders are responsible for monitoring and managing this programme